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    About George Allen

    George Allen – Author – An AFPA Certified holistic and preventative nutrition professional. George is a well known exercise physiology and sports nutrition expert, the co-founder of
    Syracuse University graduate: bachelor’s degree in nutrition/dietetics (B.S.) and a master’s degree in nutrition science with a concentration in counseling (M.A.)
    Follow me on Twitter


    Sources & References

    1. How Long Sex Should Last (From a Woman’s Point of View) (New York Magazine) How Long Should Sex Actually Last?
    2. How Long Does Sex Last on Average? (Huffington Post) The Amount Of Time Sex Lasts For The Average British Couple
    3. Increasing the blood flow to the penis ( Penile Blood Flow Study
    4. Corpora cavernos (Wikipedia) Corpora cavernos penis
    5. Tribulus Terrestris (National Institutes of Health (NIH)) Evaluation of the aphrodisiac activity of Tribulus terrestris
    6. Effects of Nitric-Oxide (NIH)) Effect of oral administration of high-dose nitric oxide donor L-arginine in men with organic erectile dysfunction: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
    7. Treatment of erectile dysfunction (National Institutes of Health (NIH)) Treatment of erectile dysfunction with pycnogenol and L-arginine.
    8. Cordyceps (Research Gate) The Scientific Rediscovery of an Ancient Chinese Herbal Medicine: Cordyceps sinensis.

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